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Bartosz Zoltak - a few car videos

The car is an all-factory-standard 1990 Toyota Corolla 1.3 XLi, 75-horsepower running on budget-quality 175/70 R13 tyres.

Click on a picture to see a video.

Slalom - 8 cones distanced by 100 ft (30,48 m). Time is 7:97 s (average speed 96,37 kmh = 59,90 mph). My record is 7:80 s (avg speed 98,47 kmh = 61,20 mph) but don't have it documented. [video 2,8 MB]

360 degree spin from the starting speed of about 100 km/h [video 0,6 MB]

180 degree back flip [video 0,4 MB]

Freestyle [video 2 MB]

Parking [video 0,9 MB]

Tyre after a drive [video 1 MB]

Winner in amateur karting competition in Wroclaw, Poland, "Le Mans" track.

Third place in the national final of the West Race Day 2004 competition for drivers

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